About Tibet Watch
We document and expose the ongoing human rights abuse in Tibet using a wide range of sources. Our researchers collect information from a network of brave individuals who are committed to ensuring that the world hears the truth about China's repression and brutality - and Tibetan resistance. We also carry out interviews with newly arrived Tibetan refugees, monitor Chinese government websites and media, track changes in policy or law and review both Tibetan and English language news.
We believe that accuracy is vital in our work and all the information we disseminate is verified and corroborated before being published or passed on.
Human Rights Monitoring
"..in our struggle for freedom, truth is the only weapon we possess."
HH 14th Dalai Lama
We document and expose the ongoing human rights abuse in Tibet using a wide range of sources. Our researchers collect information from a network of brave individuals who are committed to ensuring that the world hears the truth about China's repression and brutality - and Tibetan resistance. We also carry out interviews with newly arrived Tibetan refugees, monitor Chinese government websites and media, track changes in policy or law and review both Tibetan and English language news.
We believe that accuracy is vital in our work and all the information we disseminate is verified and corroborated before being published or passed on.
We also believe security is essential. We never publish the names of our sources and even eye-witness testimony is published anonymously if we think there might be any risks or if the person has asked us to withhold their name. All the information we collect is recorded on a bespoke, highly encrypted database, which was designed for us by a team who specialise in digital security for human rights organisations.
Click through to our Tibet News for the latest news from Tibet.
"I was the first Tibetan prisoner to have had the opportunity to speak before the United Nations, so I knew that I was not just speaking for myself but for all Tibetans still in prison and for all Tibetans who had ever been in prison. The delegates heard only my voice, but behind my voice lay the suffering of the thousands of prisoners who had not survived to bear witness as I have."
Palden Gyatso, former political prisoner
We undertake regular advocacy with the UK government and also communicate with other national governments when the opportunity arises. In addition, we monitor China's reporting progress with the human rights bodies at the United Nations and engage directly where we are able to provide relevant evidence.
Click through to our Advocacy page to see details of our recent engagement and read or download copies of our submissions.
Our team
Our team have a diverse range of skills and professional backgrounds, including journalism, academic research, human rights campaigning, legal casework, translation and teaching.
The researchers on our team were all born in Tibet and are able to incorporate their own personal experience of the occupation into their work. This enables us to produce strong but accessible reports on all aspects of the human rights situation in Tibet.
We do not name all our team publicly due to concerns about Chinese Communist Party reprisals.
Our main office is in London and we also maintain a field office in Dharamsala, India.
Research Manager
Research Team
Tibet Watch does not receive any government funding or large grants. We are mainly funded by the generosity of individual supporters. Regular gifts or donations are especially valuable to us as they allow us to plan our work and develop our research team.
Your support would make a huge difference. If you would like to get involved then please have a look at ways to Support Us.